Spikes Bridge to Grand Union Village Bridge
Meeting Place
We will meet in Willow Tree Open Space, next to bridge. This minimises congestion on the towpath on the opposite side of the canal.
On the Day
You will be greeted by Cathy Fiander who will run through the safety briefing. You will then need to complete a sign-in sheet, confirming you understood the briefing, and giving us emergency contact details. We will keep this sheet for no longer than 21 days after the event to comply with GDPR regulations.
We will supply all the equipment you need, but please bring strong gloves if you have them. You should also bring a drink and a snack as litter picking is thirsty work!
Area Covered
This pick covers the towpath between Spikes Bridge and the Grand Union Village bridge, plus Willow Tree Open Space and King Georges Field.
Local History
Willow Tree Open Space
During the late 1800’s this site was a mixture of marshland and meadows, with its own dock area for transportation of goods to and from the Grand Union Canal, including materials from the adjacent brickworks. By 1900 the site had been excavated for clay, which was used for brick making, which resulted in larger areas of marshland being created and this remained in this state until the 1960’s. By the 1970’s the area had been re-profiled and incorporated small hills and bunds, and the surrounding area was still relatively open. However, from this period to present day housing estates have been built up around the site and it is now totally encompassed by housing apart from the Grand Union Canal on the East of the site and Willow tree Marina to the south.