31st March 2022 Black Horse
Friends of Grand Union Canal Management Committee Meeting
31st March 2022 Black Horse, 7.30pm
Present: David Posnett, Loz Leckenby, Liz Henderson, Anir Karki, Sheila Rowing, Paul Findlay, Fiona Dickie, Anton Georgiou
Observing: Edan Powell
Apologies: Helen Brice, Mikk Bradley (IWA), James Cantwell, Jags Sanghera (after the meeting)
Agenda item/content
Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
PLI – David has bought PLI but currently there is not enough money to pay him back. Pick up next meeting as very full agenda.
EH – agenda item
Membership numbers and money
In the bank we have £82.29 – approx. 42 people – we need to promote membership. We have postcode and interests so know where they are and their interests. (See agenda item 3)
Bank account:
FoGUC bank account was opened after the first general meeting, with 2 signatories, but this means we can only have a cheque book so that 2 people can sign.
It was agreed unanimously that one signatory on the account would be more practical, which would allow us to have a debit card and be able to make online payments. The card holder should be the Treasurer, Lorraine Leckenby (Loz).
Also agreed was that internal authorisation from at least one other officer should be sought by email before any transaction, with the emails thus providing an audit trail.
The financial report will be checked externally so all transactions will be transparent and financial risks minimised.
David/Loz to take minutes of this meeting to the bank to amend.
Management posts and responsibilities
Communications – to widen the group’s appeal and expand membership:
Small group to work on communications strategy, website and media/social media exposure:
David and Loz, and hopefully Peter Mieszkowski and Gavin Griffiths who both said they would help with media on their membership forms
· Events, when they happen, will be the best way to publicise the group
· Loz’s weekly updates – put onto group FB and website.
· Waterways experience – David to ask for advice as their organisation is excellent
· FB – pin an announcement at the top to join – encourage people to support the work the group does, contribute to the cause, help make the group successful as well as getting involved eg litter picking
· Web page – put membership application tab on front page
· CRT events
Fundraising – Paul and Anir
Need to be clear what we are raising funds for. Most grants need to have specific activities to frame the bid around, rather than meeting our current needs of covering set up expenses - the domain, emails and PLI
· Paul to apply to Ealing Foundation who give up to £500 for setting up a new organisation – (rolling programme with no time constraints)
· Also Brent has community grants from infrastructure levy (section 106 as was). Anton to send Paul links.
· Ealing grant - £5k for a specific project – initial application in by 11th April – but it was decided this was too much too soon – consider for next year.
Education and community links:
Sheila, Fiona (and Liz)
· Anton to identify leads into schools in Brent, and pass them on
· CRT monthly meetings – currently FoGUC is applying to become official partner. Once this achieved, meetings will be quarterly
· Loz to co-ordinate with CRT over Alperton and Park Royal operations
· Religious contacts – to discuss community needs for offerings that end up in the canal. Anton to liaise and support with contacts, Liz to follow up.
With small groups needing to co-ordinate with each other, all present agreed to sharing their emails.
Liz to send email cc’d rather than bcc’d and check with those who had sent apologies. Also to ask what they would like to be involved with.
Liz to email Peter and Gavin
Future events – ideas
· David has 1000 whips for planting – hedging or standalone – identify suitable location in Alperton? Link into Jubilee celebrations? Update: – Ealing has planted them in Ealing.
· Wildlife event? Link to Barnes wetlands centre outreach programme, or the introduction of beavers to Paradise Fields – offer clean ups on a regular basis? – need to make sure that we don’t duplicate Lager Can activities
· Willowtree Marina Hillingdon is being bought by new owners – needs a major overhaul – a lot of potential. Paul to talk to them to see what we could do to help. David has links into Hillingdon pickers
· Greenford Quay celebration – hold a canal festival (Eric could bring his stage boat) – fab venue, with a new population to involve – David to follow up with Ayesha (Councillor)
· Canal cavalcade at Little Venice May Day Bank Holiday. Would be good to have a table to create a presence. Also Rickmansworth water festival, Hayes. Volunteers needed!
Need a strap line to market ourselves – a slogan that makes us stand out.
eg “preserve promote protect”?? Ideas needed – submit to Liz in first instance.
Sheila to check LC
Volunteers needed
All to consider!
Date of next meeting
2 months – Monday 13th June – date and venue tbc
Other sub-committee groups to meet/liaise sooner
Meeting closed 9.15pm Minutes: Liz Henderson
I confirm these are an accurate representation of agreements reached at the meeting:
David Posnett (Chair)
Lorraine Leckenby (Treasurer)
Elizabeth Henderson (Secretary)
Date: 05.04.22