16 January 2023, Perivale Library
Management Committee Meeting
16 January 2023, Perivale Library 7.00pm
Present: David Posnett (Chair), Lorraine Leckenby (Treasurer and CRT Ranger), Sheila Rowing, Jags Sanghera, Helen Brice, Liz Henderson (Secretary), Fiona Dickie
In attendance, at end of meeting: Alex Nieora (Perivale People)
Anton Georgiou, Gareth Royall, Ayesha Raza
Minutes of last meeting and matters arising, to include:
· Visit to Temple and status of video
· Visit to Veolia recycling centre
· Sweatshirt project status
Anton to keep us updated
Liz chased Ayesha who chased Veolia.
David to speak to Robert
Loz has been speaking to Scott Cohen (Emma’s contact). Can do it for £8.99, shirts are free, sell for £20/£25 – delivery charges to be taken account of.
Discussed requirements and actions.
UPDATE: Loz has collected sweatshirts and disappointingly, very few there, so this can’t be taken forward as a fundraiser.
Membership numbers /Money
· Website/email address
· Treasurer’s report for AGM
Nearly 5000 on Facebook; We have £984.30 incl £500 from FF, £100 from individual and smaller random donations. Lots raised in the 3 months after appeal on FB.
PLI not yet paid yet - £157.00. Agreed to repay David for last year.
Gmail.com doesn’t cost so will use FriendsofGrandUnionCanal@gmail.com – on the website. Domain is £10/year. Loz to pay David for Nov22 cost of £10
Accounts to be basic in and out summary – FF termed ‘restricted funds’ and outgoings listed separately.
Loz to pay David £314.00
Report of fundraising
Committee thanked Paul for a comprehensive and helpful report – see attached. Of the two applications, Brent was unsuccessful but there are hopes for a fairer round next time.
White Bridge is owned by L&Q homes. CRT needs volunteer groups to help to improve the area so we need to get them to adopt the project so that we don’t have to pay fees and risk assessments etc. Need CRT permissions to include with the Brent bid. (Update from CRT meeting, CRT will not adopt the project per se so fees would be payable)
Love where you live – easier application – needs to be proposed by a Brent resident – Sheila and Fiona both happy to be named residents.
Greener cleaner – can submit any time – wilding, planting.
LHR community trust opens on Thursday – up to £15K for a year – emphasis on greening. Hillingdon Ealing Hounslow areas. Quite competitive – they like projects that have multiple areas that can benefit – bigger impact.
The Parkway touches 3 boroughs – and delivering something that no one wants to touch at the moment – a good place to think about and Berkeley homes may well support as well. River Crane as well.
CRT is funding the storage box. Meeting on Thursday with CRT. Storage box – needs to be discreet access and have a keypad, robust and secure. Community room at Grand Union Village possibility for storage??
Lager Can are getting a storage facility in Southall – we could share – from next year’s CRT budget. Don’t want to reject something on offer by CRT.
Update after meeting with CRT:
Storage box should be purchased before end of March from this year’s budget. No date for installation. See separate minutes for other conversations.
Spending FF money - £500
Trolleys – alternatives of robust shopping trolleys and garden centre type.
Gazebo banner? Possibly unnecessary if we use CRT gazebos – just big signs and
Tear drop/feather flags – 2 with logo and strapline, need water base to secure.
Business Cards 500 – logo, “connecting by water”, QR code, web address. To be bought out of funds.
Graffiti wipes
Update: The larger items will be more than the £500 grant but FF have expanded their initial grant so we are eligible to apply for more money from them.
Paul to ask IWA what they use.
Jags to research
David to design and buy
Loz has been given a London Marathon place through CRT. Has to raise £2.5K. Wants to do a sponsored litter pick. Group to support. Discuss on Thursday with CRT – pick a date and get CRT boat to support if possible.
Put the canal festivals on the websites
Helen to look up dates
AOB – Alex Nieora – Ealing issues update
Local plan from Ealing council – consultation ends 8th February. Alex has responded and requests that committee consider the content.
Ealing matters meetings – issues with land being re-designated
Sunday 22nd 11am – Horsenden Hill consultation about the farmhouse development.
Black Horse – registered as asset to community value – no other rights. James Murray is in touch with Fullers – selling it as a pub hopefully
Liz to forward Alex’s email
AGM arrangements
(Including reports)
· Date – confirm date and venue
· confirm agenda and how to invite members
Monday 30/01/23 (7-9) at the Library
Draft agenda approved
Refreshments: tea/coffee/milk/sugar/biscuits
Liz to email members and circulate calendar invite, update FB
Content of Chair’s report and running of the meeting – officers to liaise
Liz to provide
Minutes: E Henderson 22.01.23