31st March 2022 Black Horse
Management Committee Meeting
13th June 2022, Perivale Library 7.30pm
Present: Lorraine Leckenby, Liz Henderson, Paul Findlay, Helen Brice, Fiona Dickie
David Posnett, Jags Sanghera, Sheila Rowing, Councillor Anton Georgiou, Mikk Bradley (IWA)
No response from Anir Karki or James Cantwell
Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
David has bought PLI but currently there is not enough money to pay him back for this or the website costs.
David has pinned the link for membership at the top of the website.
Peter Mieszkowski and Gavin Griffiths are not currently helping with media. Liz will try emailing Gavin again.
We are now officially partners of CRT. We, as a committee have agreed to the CRT safeguarding policy.
Sheila was going to look at the education training event. Did she do this?
Shilpa Rasaiah, who is currently Stand-Up Paddle boarding the Grand Union Canal, has offered to translate for us if we need help when talking to the local temples in Alperton. Anton to Liaise with local contacts.
Anton and Loz will coordinate with CRT over Alperton and Park Royal operations.
Liz is having ongoing communications with Cathy Swift from Lager Can for mutual support.
Helen has suggested we can sign up with IWA to work together
Membership numbers /Money
£84.29 in the account plus approx. £7 to be added from Hayes Canal Festival
Loz has a bank card, finally.
Reports of fundraising and other activities
a) Paul will approach a new contact at Willow Tree marina in Hillingdon to see what we can do to help the area.
The bid of £500 for the Freshwater Grant can be revived now that Paul has access to the details of the amount of litter collected on a weekly basis.
The grant of £1000 from Brent “Love where you live” is a monthly grant that Paul can apply for to boost our bank account.
b) Brent NCIL /You Decide Grant of £25,000 has been applied for. The White Bridge Project is the title of our pitch to raise funds for a Physical Improvement Project in Alperton. See below.
The Alperton White Bridge Project
The Friends of Grand Union Canal (FOGUC) help ensure the canal is a well-maintained and safe place that can enhance the quality of life for local people. We litter pick in Brent from Alperton to the North Circular Aqueduct three times a week, collecting 50 bags of rubbish on average. By engaging local volunteers and building strong links with other community groups and local authorities, our activities have had a big impact on the canal environment over the past two years. FOGUC was formally constituted as a non-profit community group in January 2022.
Our aim with this project is to transform the area around the Atlip Rd to Hazel Grove ‘White’ footbridge (No 11AA) in Alperton into an attractive, green and clean interchange between local neighbourhoods and the canalside environment. The six-month project will involve:
· Clearing and preparing the site through volunteer work parties;
· Professional installation of green security fencing and secure access gate to isolate an area that currently attracts littering;
· Professional or volunteer installation of a tapered wall of stone gabions under the bridge ramp next to the towpath;
· Cleaning of the bridge ramps to restore colour and remove graffiti;
· Planting of the area with native trees, shrubs and wildflowers by volunteers;
· Installation of permanent bin rings onsite to encourage responsible disposal of litter;
· Ongoing volunteer maintenance and litter clearance.
This will create a welcoming and attractive location, with the gabions and planting providing an enhanced habitat clear of litter where wildlife can thrive.
Who will benefit from this project?
· Local residents will be able to volunteer to help clean up, plant out, and in the longer term maintain the area - all of which provide opportunity for mindful, healthy exercise in a calming environment together with positive social interaction.
· Towpath users including pedestrians, cyclists, runners, dog walkers and boaters, plus those crossing the bridge from Atlip Road to Hazel Grove will enjoy the enhanced greener, cleaner and safer environment around the bridge.
· Local schools and community groups will be encouraged to get out into the open air to assist with planting, taking ownership of the area and developing pride in their surroundings which, in turn, will be good for their health and well-being.
· In summary the project will fulfil a long-standing ambition for this part of the canal, making an impact on the way people think about Brent, transforming the area for Abbey Estate and H
· PFazel Grove residents along with people that pass through Alperton while using the towpath, canal or bridge.
We need to circulate the information to local Brent residents, (243 and residents of the flats on the offside plus others) to get them to attend the pitch on July 12th. They need to sign up prior to the day to attend. Doors open at 16.30, 3-minute pitches will start at 17.00 to local residents, for their decision as to who will receive the grant money available.
David will do our pitch as Liz and Loz are both away that week. Only props allowed so he will have to show our newly created FOGUC logo board and Paul was discussing making another with images to showcase what we do.
There is a brochure being created by Brent Council to distribute to the attendees. Is it possible for us to get one of these beforehand?
Note for future that Fiona lives in Brent.
c) Brentford Canal Festival June 25th.
Discussions about decorating Liz’s gazebo with FOGUC logos, laminated, and stapled to the gazebo like bunting as a temporary measure until we can afford our own.
No specific discussion as to who will attend, have we booked a pitch? Some discussion about how much these activities help us at this stage – a lot of effort for Hillingdon, took all day and 2 people signed up and a donation made.
LL for 243
? for residents
Ideas for future activities
If we hold any events, we should get local radio involved for promotion of the event.
Strap Line suggestions.
It was mentioned that we had agreed to “Canals Without Borders” but there were other suggestions made.
“Connected by Water” and also
“Connecting by Water” This was the favourite as it suggested ongoing connections rather than past tense and it encompassed boaters/water users and towpath users being connected.
Discuss with David.
Thanks to the library
We are grateful to the library for allowing us to meet there without charge. We will publicise their need for volunteers on the FB page.
Date of next meeting
Meeting Closed at 9pm.
TBC – those involved with the NCIL bid will meet, probably by zoom, before 12th July.
Previously agreed to be 2 monthly – Liz to email suggested dates
Minutes: Lorraine Leckenby